{{-- Copyright (c) 2024 Duncan McQuat All rights reserved. --}} PDCI Booking - Documentation @vite(['resources/css/teacher.css']) @if (session('error'))
{{ session('error') }}
@endif @if ($errors->any())

User Documentation

Last updated: May 7th, 2024


The PDCI Booking system is designed to allow teachers and administrators to easily book items (Ex: Carts, Rooms).

Getting Started

Home Page /teacher

It is the landing page when viewing the website as a teacher.

Here you can view your bookings and information about them. Next to each booking is an option to edit and delete that booking.

Booking /teacher/booking

Within this page you can view and create bookings.

By clicking on a available square (green), a prompt will be brought up to create a new booking.

Hovering over a grayed out booked square will give a description of either the email of the person who booked that slot or will tell you that the booking is out of bounds.

Flagging Items

Creating a flag

Within the booking page at the top right is a button to create a flag for an item.

Viewing flags

A flag is simply a comment put on a item to alert staff to a potential or ongoing issue with an item. These flags can be seen from the booking page by clicking on the warning icon next to an applicable item's name.

Updates and Changes

Updates to the website will be communicated via the use of the version. On the bottom of both the Home Page and Booking Page is a Version: X.Y.Z. This versioning follows the format of:


"Contact an admin" gets said a lot. The website does not have a lot of problems that would occur due to user error. Most symptoms / issue are a direct result of a bug.

Slow Website Performance

Slow Website Performance is defined as pages taking more than 5 seconds to load.

It is possible the server is either being overloaded or your device may be having issues with the internet. To confirm it is a server issue please try on a different device and network.

If it appears that it is the server, please let an admin know of the issue so they can resolve it promptly.

Error Messages or Website not loading

If you are getting an apparent error message (blank page with just the error message on it), let an admin know.

If the error message appears to be intentional (such as a coloured box at the top), review what it says. If you believe that the message is in error, contact an admin.

Incorrect information / Information not updating correctly

Confirm the issue persists on a different device, if it does, contact an admin.

Bug Reporting

Send an email to [supportemail@example.com] with the bug template below filled out.

Bug Report Template

[Concise description of the bug]

[Detailed description of the bug, including steps to reproduce it, observed behavior, and expected behavior]

Steps to Reproduce:

    [Step 1]
    [Step 2]
    [Step 3]

Expected Behavior:
[Describe what you expected to happen when following the steps above]

Actual Behavior:
[Describe what actually happened when following the steps above]

[If applicable, attach screenshots or files that demonstrate the issue]


    Operating System: [e.g., Windows 10, macOS, Linux]
    Browser/Version: [e.g., Chrome, Firefox]
    Device: [e.g., Desktop, Laptop, Smartphone]
    Additional context: [Any other relevant information about your environment]

[Indicate the severity and priority of the bug (e.g., Critical, High, Medium, Low)]

Additional Information:
[Any additional information or context that might be helpful in resolving the issue]


Privacy and Security

Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy outlines how we manage and store your data. WE refers to those that have contributed and those that contribute to this project in the future.

WE are committed to the protection and privacy of our users. This privacy policy outlines how WE manage your data, maintain your privacy, and conform to Canadian law.

By continuing to use this site you are agreeing to the terms listed below.

Information We Collect

The PDCI Booking system collects data strictly necessary to the operation and functioning of the system. The information below is the information we store or collect about you.

Data Retention

Your UUID is only stored for as long as required for the functionality of the site.

Archived data may persist for a maximum of 2 years for use as historical records.

Safeguarding Your Data

Proper percautions are taken to safeguard your personal info. These are as follows:

Third Parties

Additionally to the information WE store, third parties also store information. Microsoft is utilized for SSO and as such they collect data according to Microsoft's privacy policies.

Your Rights

At any time, you may request that any data pertaining to you via your UUID be deleted. You may also request your data.

Feedback and Support

For feedback or support, pleace contact [supportemail@example.com].

License Agreement
