PDCI Announcements
Sep 19 - TIME - DAY 2
SHSM Announcements

First Aid/ CPR Training - in Learning Commons on Tuesday and Wednesday September 24th-25th.

Working at Heights Training - Thursday September 26 at 8 AM in Learning Commons. This MAY extend beyond the end of the school day.

Any Grade 12s who have yet to meet with Miss Toelle, please come by 309 during period 1 or lunch.

ETHICAL DILEMMAS Workshop on Friday October 4th in Learning Commons at 8 AM.  This workshop  will involve applying critical thinking to real world dilemmas within sports, healthcare setting and professional workplace. Please sign up with Miss Toelle in 309 to reserve spot. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT FOR NON-PROFIT.

Interested in joining the Band?

All interested students in grade 7- 12 must a permission form. Practices are planned for Mondays afterschool. First rehearsal has been rescheduled to September 23rd!

Who's Line is it?

Want to join the Improv Team? Our first rehearsal will be Thursday at lunch in room 108. Come out and have some fun! No experience needed.

Do you want to be in a musical?

We are looking for actors, dancers, singers, and designers for our spring musical! Any interested intermediate or secondary students must complete a permission form found in the office or see Ms Bridger. Reminder we meet weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 108 until 4pm. 

Drivers Ed.













Student Council 2024-2025

Hey Blue Devils! At every event run by the Students’ Council, members will wear a light-blue bandana, so keep an eye out for them! If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to pdci.student.council@outlook.com or find your STUCO members in the halls. 

Upcoming University Visits

Nipissing U will be here Monday, September 23/24  at Lunch in the Learning Commons.

Tyndayle U will be here Tuesday, September 24/24 at Lunch in the Large Conference Room

Bishop's U will be here Thursday, September 26/24 at Lunch  in the Large Conference Room


Sign Up in Student Services

Cross Country Practices

There will be cross country practices on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week until then end of September. If you are unable to make a practice during the week please let Ms. Reid or Mr. Tupper. 

Terry Fox

Good morning PDCI students!

This year our annual Terry Fox Run will happen on September 26th. Students will walk the track outside and classes will have an opportunity to try the truck pull, with a Fire Truck from the Perth Fire Department. PDCI is hoping to hit our goal of raising $3,640 for cancer research. You can help PDCI in achieving this goal by bringing in donations to your period 2 class from September 23-26th; starting Sept. 16 you can pre order a T-shirt in the cafeteria during lunch, youth sizes are $20 and adults sizes for $25; these will hopefully arrive in time for our run. All t-shirt sales are added to PDCI’s fundraising total.  

It was Terry’s dream to live in a world without cancer. That’s our dream, too! 

International Students - Meeting

International Students have a meeting at 1:30 PM today (Thursday, September 19) in the office.



Thanks to all who came out for tryouts - we had an amazing turnout!

Our golf team will represent PDCI next Wednesday at Mississippi Golf Course.